RADA agroprocessing incubators

Agro-Processing Incubator Project
The acclaimed Agro-Processing Incubator Project was officially launched on June 22, 2017 at the RADA St. Elizabeth Parish Office in Santa Cruz. Funded under the Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) the Incubator Project is being implemented in seven parishes across Jamaica (St. Mary, St. Catherine, Westmoreland, St. James, Hanover, Trelawny and St. Elizabeth), in partnership with RADA’s Home Economics and Social Services Units.
The aim of the project is simply to support the development of small –scale rural enterprises and to provide small producers with the adequate access to add value to primary products.
Beneficiaries will be able to use the facilities to become profitable and thus viable over the long-term by, among other things, assisting in product development, production, marketing, general business development, within the structure of a well-designed operational plan and procedures.In addition, a consultancy firm will provide business advisory support, mentorship and will establish market linkages.
Another milestone of this joint partnership is the execution of a comprehensive training workshop which is tasked to assist in equipping key RADA Staff with the essential knowledge to ensure an efficient and sustained Incubator Programme. This is being held at the Holiday Inn Resort, Motego Bay, from July 5-7, 2017.